Quilts in Lodge
Organizers of the Frontenac Heritage Festival, as part of their Canada 150 focus, are arranging a display of 150 quilts in Sharbot Lake. They will be shown in the Sharbot Lake United Church, Sharbot Lake Anglican Church and Fronternac Masonic Temple from 11:00 AM until 3:00 PM on Saturday, February 18.
Take your Lady to the show
150 Quilts in Sharbot Lake
Frontenac Masonic Temple (also Sharbot Lake United and Anglican Churches)
Saturday, February 18, 2017
11:00 AM until 3:00 PM
This is an opportunity to show off the Lodge building and, perhaps, answer some questions but it will not be a Masonic open house. We will take down the tracing boards to make room for quilted wall hangings and take out the alter to make room for a table with sewing machines where some ladies can show work in progress.
This may not be everyone's bag but it should be an interesting day. Please spread the word.